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Featured Donors

Pathways to Housing is appreciative of every person and organization that has supported our mission. Without their efforts, our achievements could not become a reality.

Monthly Donors

Brandon Thornock | Brien McCall | Dr. Doug & Sheri McMullin | Eric Halpenny |  Jeannine Gillan | Jesse & Carlin D Curran | Kelley Ankeny | Mari Ennis-Applegate

If you would like to be added or removed from the Monthly Donors list, please email us!


In honor of Mari and Terry Applegate.


Dec 23, 2022

In memory of Bill Hartman.

Tammy Fuller

Oct 14, 2022

In honor of Debra Deem.


Nov 22, 2021

In honor of the Hendersons.


Dec 20, 2022

On behalf of Mercy Oncology.

Alice Hollister

Mar 15, 2022

In honor of Sara Martin


Nov 16, 2021

“This donation is from Teddy Swartz, age 8. Every year, he chooses an organization to receive the money that would have been used for one of his Christmas gifts. By giving up one gift, he gets to help others. He chose to help Pathways this year because people who are sick and don't have a safe house to live in might die, and he is glad that Pathways helps people get better and have a safe place to live.”

Kathryn Swartz

Nov 29, 2022

In honor of Penny and Daryl Harris.

Philippa Phillips

Nov 30, 2021

“Help with Women’s Housing.”

Stephanie Rogers, Soroptimist International of Downtown Redding

May 13, 2021

“From Tom Taylor.”

Karen Taylor

Nov 16, 2022

In memory of Bill Hartman.

Tammy Fuller

Nov 27, 2021

“In honor of Tom Reeder's Birthday.”

Justin MacFarland

Dec 3, 2019

Individual Donors

Thank you to all of our supporters in the community who make everything we do possible. Listing your name helps friends understand the work we do. 

Alice & Loren Bell | Alice Hollister, Mercy Oncology | Allison Lindeman | Alisa Hicken | Amanda Hill | Ambrozevitch | Amy Bonady | Amy Cavalleri | Angie Whittemore | Ann Bernadett Coe & Dr. John Coe | Ann Roach, RN | Anna Atkinson | Ann Spath | Bailey Fator | Barbara Diamond | Barbara Sebastian |  Barbarah Hamilton | Bebe & David Palin | Benevity Community Impact Fund of the American Online Giving Foundation | Beronica Fields | Beth Ann Thompson | Blackbaud Giving Fund | Bob Grosch | Bonnie Lampley | Brandon Thornock | Brenda Robertson | Brien McCall | Bruce Hirst, CPA | Bruce Ross | California Pita Station | Carol Forster | Carolina Girimonte | Carolyn C. Dokter | Catherine Cummings | Catherine Low | Cathryn Streight | Cathy Allen | Christina Fay Hutton | Christina Felt | Christina Gutierrez | Christine Woroniecki | Christy & Blaine Ray | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Cindy Baldwin | Cindy Ray | Clay Cook | Claudia Brosseau | Colombia Bank | Colten Saunders | Community Foundation of the North State | Crystal Theriault | Danielle Galyan | Daryl & Penny Harris | David & Annelise Pierce | David & Patricia Dennis Fund of the Community Foundation of the North State | David Klipp | Debbie & John Stokes | Debbie Robinson | Debra Lupeika | Des Comer | Diedra Malain | Dianne Rhodes McCartin | Donna Hunter | Dorothy Bratton-Sandoval | Dr. Aaron Madsen | Dr. Bruce & Debra Kittrick | Dr. David Dennis | Dr. Doug & Sheri McMullin | Dr. Enos & Lindsay Heinzen | Dr. Michael & Dianna Mikulecky | Dr. Reid McKellar | Dr. Ron & Patty Sand | Dr. Vidya Bobba | Edward Couch | Eliza Panike | Elizabeth Roo Reeder | Emily Houck | Eric Halpenny | Erin Friedman | Evadine Jauch | Fred Duchi, Siskiyou Forest Products | Gillian Trumbull | Gordon Lemke |  Harry Daniell Fund of the Community Foundation of the North State | Hazel Hughes | Heather Hennessey | Jaime & Steve Taylor | Janet Landles | Japheth Mast | Jeannine Gillan | Jennie Morgan | Jennifer Dean | Jenny Abbe & Dean Moyer | Jesse & Carlin D Curran | Jessica | Jessica Severne | Joanna Francescut | Johanne Anderson | Jonathan Jewkes | Judy Johnson | Julie & Wayne Maire | Julie Hirst | Karen Shuster | Kathryn & Teddy Swartz | Katelyn Sharp | Kelley Ankeny | Kelly Lindblom | Kelly Salter | Ken Brown | Kendall & Lauren Crenshaw | Kendy Cox | Kris Bertelson-Williams | Kristen Flynn | Kristen Wiebe | Kristen & Jack Schreder | Kyle Falconer | Landi Stoute | Larry Olmstead | Lawrence & Judy Johnson | Leah Cox | Lee Salter | Leona McCoach | Lesha Schaefer | Leslie Stewart | Lethea Lollar | Linda J Cheatum | Lily Bernstein | Lin Stewart | Lindsey Hastings | Lora Nienan | Lorrie Mast | Lynette Berry | Lynn Fritz | Lynne Wonacott | Mr. & Mrs. McFarland Marc Pinnell | Mari Ennis-Applegate | Marion Schmitz | Marjeanne Stone | Mark & Tina Storrey | Marilyn Thomas | Marsha Lakman | Martha “Muffy” Berryhill | Mary Roach | Matt Anderson | McConnell Foundation | Melissa Bradley | Melissa Englebright | Merchants Bank of Commerce | Michelle Fairchild | Michelle Gill | Michelle Lennon | Michelle Roberts | Michelle Stimpel | Mike & Theresa Gasman | Miles Thomas | Mitch Hawthorne | Mitchell Lowther | Nancy Reeve | Norene Knodel | Pamela “Pam” Hughes | Pam Sacco | Pamela Minor | Patrick E Moriarty | Paul Anderson | Paul McCoy Family Office Services of the HOPE Share Care Foundation, Inc. | Pedro Rico | Peter Alexander | Philippa Phillips | Rebekah English | Redding Chamber of Commerce | Redding Rancheria |  Renee Spellins | Richard Bonetti, St. James Lutheran Church | Richard Murphy | Rita Panike | Robin Glasco | Robert Mobley | Rod Long | Ron Reece | Rose Fund for the Poor of the Community Foundation of the North State | Safe Housing Fund of the Community Foundation of the North State | Sandi Thompson | Sandra “Sandy” Harrison | Sara Mallory | Sara Sundquist | Sarah Baugh | Sarah McMullin | Sarah Sanpei | Shaelynn Morris | Shannon Philips | Sharon Brisolara & Donnell Ewert | Shasta County CARES Act Grant of the Forward Redding Foundation | Shelli Thompson | Stacie Smith | Stephanie Rodgers, Soroptimist International of Downtown Redding | Stewardship Endowment of the Community Foundation of the North State | Summer Krismanits | Susan Marshall | Susan Martin | Susan Reeder | Suzanne Gemache | Suzanne Williams | Talitha Derksen | Talkitha Derksen | Tammy Fuller | Teresa Garcia-Broom | Terry Smith | The Brady Family | The Luhrman Family | The Mooneyham Family | Theodore Palfini, Palfini Financial | Theresa Muth | Tiffany Hatch | Todd Giles, Giles Insurance |  Tom & Karen Taylor | Traci Baker | Trudi Varton | United Way of Northern California | Victoria "Missy" McArthur | Virginia Phelps | Virginia “Gini” Holmes | Wes Franks | William Kipp

If you would like to be added or removed from the Featured Donors list, please email us!

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